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Unpacking the Rise in SQE Fees for Future Lawyers

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), the gateway for aspiring solicitors in the UK, is witnessing a significant adjustment in its landscape. From September 2024, the costs associated with the SQE are set to rise, marking a pivotal shift for students gearing up to dive into the legal profession. In this blog post, we'll explore the contours of these changes, the rationale behind them, and the implications for students, particularly those who are self-funding their journey.

An animated image of a lawyer writing on a piece of paper.

Current Costs at a Glance

As it stands, candidates gearing up for the SQE are met with a financial layout of £1,798 for SQE1 and £2,766 for SQE2. These figures, while substantial, set the baseline for what's to become a more expensive endeavour as the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) ushers in a new pricing regime.

The Upcoming Shift

The SRA has green-lit an increase in fees that sees SQE1 ascending to £1,888 and SQE2 to £2,902. This adjustment translates to an overall hike of approximately 5% across both exams. Such changes don't just influence the numbers but also the strategic planning of candidates, especially those who are footing the bill without external support.

Behind the Increase

Why this surge in fees? The SRA cites two primary factors: inflation and the integration of provisions for candidates wishing to undertake the SQE in Welsh. While these reasons underscore the evolving and inclusive nature of the SQE framework, they also bring to light the financial burdens being augmented for aspiring solicitors.

Timelines and Transitions

The new fee structure is slated to be effective from September 2024, directly impacting candidates booking the SQE2 from October 2024 onwards. This timeline offers a brief window for prospective candidates to recalibrate their preparation and funding strategies.

The Self-Funded SQE Student's Perspective

For self-funded students, this fee increase is not just a number but a substantial barrier. Many candidates meticulously save and plan to afford these exams, and a 5% hike can translate into additional months, if not years, of financial planning and sacrifice. This situation underscores the need for more supportive structures and transparency around fee adjustments to aid in planning and accessibility.

A Call for Transparency

There's a growing conversation around the transparency of the SRA concerning the SQE fee increments. With yearly rises, candidates are advocating for a clearer understanding of why these increases are necessary and how they contribute to the value and quality of the qualification process. A more open dialogue between the SRA and SQE candidates could foster a sense of community and collaboration, easing the financial strain through understanding and possibly, more tailored support mechanisms.


The increase in SQE fees represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the legal community. While it's crucial to accommodate inflation and inclusivity, it's equally important to ensure that these changes don't deter talented individuals from pursuing a career in law due to financial barriers. As we move forward, a collective effort to support each other—be it through transparency, dialogue, or financial aid—can help ensure that the legal profession remains accessible to all, irrespective of financial background.

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