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Top 10 Effective Strategies for SQE Success

Updated: May 24

Preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) can be a formidable task. With the extensive syllabus of SQE1 and SQE2, it’s crucial to study smart, not just hard. This blog post provides you with ten effective study strategies to boost your productivity and pave your way to SQE success. We’ll delve into how innovative tools like Notion can revolutionise your study sessions and share practical tips to enhance your learning efficiency.

Chess board with wooden chess pieces on top.

Building a Strong Foundation for the SQE

  1. Goal-Setting for Motivation: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your SQE preparation. For instance, set weekly targets like completing a certain number of practice questions or fully understanding a specific legal concept.

  2. Harnessing Notion for Organisation: Utilise Notion to create a customised dashboard for your study materials. Implement Notion templates that allow you to categorise notes by subjects, track your revision schedule, and monitor your progress through interactive checklists and calendars.

  3. Personalised Study Schedule: Determine your peak productive hours and design a study plan that aligns with them. If you’re a morning person, allocate challenging topics to your morning sessions when your concentration levels are at their highest.

Enhancing Study Techniques

  1. Implementing Active Recall and Spaced Repetition: Engage with active recall by testing yourself on the material you’ve just studied without looking at your notes. Use spaced repetition by reviewing the material at increasing intervals to cement it in your memory.

  2. Practice with Purpose: Regularly complete practice papers, mimicking exam conditions. After each practice session, thoroughly review your answers, focusing especially on areas where you made mistakes or felt uncertain.

  3. Flashcards for Efficient Revision: Create digital flashcards for important legal definitions, cases, and principles. Apps like Notion or Quizlet can be particularly useful for this. Regularly review these flashcards to keep key information fresh in your mind.

  4. Leverage Group Studies Effectively: Organise weekly group study sessions where each member brings a topic or problem to discuss. This collaborative approach can provide diverse perspectives and enhance understanding.

Sustaining Study Momentum

  1. Balancing Work with Breaks: Adopt the Pomodoro Technique to keep your studies efficient and focused. After every 25 minutes of concentrated study, take a 5-minute break to refresh your mind.

  2. Staying Physically and Mentally Agile: Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical exercise into your daily routine. Activities like yoga or meditation can also aid in maintaining mental clarity and reducing stress.

  3. Nutrition and Sleep for Brain Power: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to fuel your brain. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to ensure you’re well-rested and ready for efficient studying.

Tackling the SQE exams successfully requires a combination of well-organised study plans, effective learning techniques, and maintaining a healthy balance. By incorporating these top 10 detailed strategies, you’re not just preparing for an exam; you’re cultivating habits that will benefit your future legal career. Stay committed, use these tips to enhance your study sessions, and remember that every step you take brings you closer to achieving your goal of SQE success.

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