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SQE2 Preparation with Notion

Preparing for the SQE2 can feel overwhelming, but with the right tools, you can make the process not only manageable but also enjoyable. Notion, a powerful and flexible productivity app, can transform your study routine, helping you organise, revise, and plan effectively. In this post, we’ll delve into creative and specific ways to use Notion for SQE2 preparation and revision, how it can assist with planning for examination days, and how it can enhance your overall student life.

Why Choose Notion for SQE2 Preparation?

Notion combines notes, tasks, databases, and calendars into one seamless platform. This versatility is especially beneficial for SQE2 candidates who need a structured yet flexible environment to manage their studies. With Notion, you can create a personalised study hub, track progress, and ensure thorough preparation for your exams.

An image of a laptop and notepad with pens preparing for SQE2.

1. Organising SQE2 Study Materials: Create Your Personal Knowledge Hub

Digital Study Vault

Create a master dashboard in Notion that acts as your digital study vault. This dashboard can house links to all your essential study resources, categorised for easy access. Here’s how you can do it:

Create a Master Dashboard: Use a template or build your own dashboard where you can link to different sections like Notes, Case Studies, Practice Questions, and Exam Strategies.

Subject-Specific Databases: Set up databases for each SQE2 skill area, such as client interviewing, advocacy, legal drafting, and legal research. For example, under "Legal Drafting," create entries for different document types (contracts, wills, pleadings), each with detailed notes, sample templates, and embedded video tutorials.

Resource Embedding: Embed resources directly into your Notion pages. For instance, within your "Case Studies" database, embed PDFs of landmark cases, video lectures discussing key points, and links to relevant online articles. This keeps all necessary materials at your fingertips.

Example: Legal Drafting Database

Imagine having a dedicated database for legal drafting where each entry includes:

  • A sample document (e.g., a contract or a will)

  • Annotated notes highlighting important clauses

  • Links to relevant statutes and case law

  • Embedded videos of lectures or tutorials on drafting techniques

2. Planning and Tracking Your Revision: Stay on Top of Your Studies

Interactive Revision Schedule

Notion’s calendar and task management features can help you create an interactive revision schedule that keeps you on track.

Weekly Study Planner: Set up a weekly planner using Notion’s calendar view. Allocate specific times for each skill area. For example, schedule "Monday Morning: Client Interview Practice," "Wednesday Afternoon: Legal Drafting Exercises," and so forth.

Daily Task Lists: Break down your weekly schedule into daily tasks. Use checkboxes to mark completed tasks. For instance, under "Monday Morning," list tasks like "Review Interview Techniques," "Conduct Mock Interview," and "Reflect on Performance."

SQE2 Progress Tracking

Track your progress with detailed and dynamic progress boards.

Kanban Board for Task Management: Create a Kanban board to visualise your tasks. Columns could include “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Completed.” Move tasks through the columns as you progress. For example, under "Legal Research," a task might move from "To Do: Research Case Law on Negligence" to "In Progress" and finally to "Completed."

Goal Setting and Tracking: Use Notion’s database capabilities to set goals and track your progress. For example, create a database for your SQE2 practice exams. Each entry can include the date of the practice exam, the score achieved, and areas for improvement.

Example: Weekly Study Planner

In your weekly planner, each day can have a detailed breakdown:

  • Monday:

  • 9:00 AM - Review client interviewing techniques (embed a YouTube video)

  • 10:00 AM - Conduct a mock interview (link to partner's contact)

  • 11:00 AM - Reflect and take notes on the interview (directly write in Notion)

  • Tuesday:

  • 1:00 PM - Legal drafting practice (upload the document for revision)

  • 3:00 PM - Review sample drafts and annotate (use embedded PDFs)

3. Enhancing Collaboration and Feedback: Leverage Peer and Tutor Support

Shared Pages for Study Groups

Collaborate with peers using shared Notion pages.

Group Study Workspace: Create a shared workspace for your study group. Include sections for shared notes, group tasks, and collaborative projects. For example, within your group workspace, create a “Client Interview Techniques” page where each member can add notes, share experiences, and provide feedback.

Live Collaboration: Use Notion’s real-time editing to work together on projects. For instance, during a group study session, all members can simultaneously work on a document draft, adding comments and suggestions.

Tutor Feedback

Seek feedback from tutors effectively.

Shared Feedback Pages: Share specific pages or sections of your Notion workspace with your tutor. For example, create a “Mock Interview Feedback” page where your tutor can leave comments on your performance and suggest improvements.

Track Feedback and Improvements: Maintain a database to track feedback from your tutor and your subsequent improvements. For example, under “Advocacy Practice,” create entries for each mock session, note the feedback received, and list actions taken to improve.

Example: Group Study Workspace

Within your group workspace, each section could include:

  • Shared Notes: Consolidate notes from each group member

  • Discussion Boards: Sections for discussing specific topics or challenging questions

  • Task Assignments: Assign and track tasks like “Prepare summary of contract law cases” or “Draft mock trial script”

4. Preparing for Examination Days: Ensure You’re Ready to Excel

Comprehensive Exam Day Checklist

Notion can help you stay organised and stress-free on exam days.

Detailed Checklists: Create a checklist for the days leading up to the exam and for the exam day itself. Include items like “Review key case laws,” “Pack necessary documents,” and “Check exam venue address.”

Exam Strategy Outline: Develop a strategy page in Notion outlining how you’ll tackle each section of SQE2. For instance, for client interviews, outline steps such as “Establish rapport,” “Identify key issues,” and “Summarise and confirm understanding.”

Emergency Information Hub

Keep all critical information in one easily accessible place.

Important Contacts and Information: Create a page for important contacts (like your tutor’s phone number) and exam logistics (like venue address and timings).

Backup Resources: Store digital copies of essential documents (like ID, exam entry confirmation) in Notion so you can access them quickly if needed.

Example: Exam Day Strategy

For your exam day strategy, create sections such as:

  • Client Interviewing:

  • Key Steps: Establish rapport, identify issues, provide advice

  • Common Questions: List potential client questions and your responses

  • Checklist: Notebook, pen, ID, exam entry pass

  • Advocacy:

  • Argument Structure: Introduction, main points, conclusion

  • Evidence Handling: Key cases to reference, how to present evidence

  • Checklist: Printed materials, relevant case law summaries

Notion as Your SQE2 Success Partner

Notion is more than just a productivity app; it’s a comprehensive tool that can transform your SQE2 preparation and overall student life. By organising your study materials, planning and tracking your revision, enhancing collaboration, and preparing meticulously for exam days, Notion can help you stay organised, reduce stress, and ensure you’re fully prepared to pass the SQE2. Embrace the power of Notion, and let it guide you on your path to becoming a successful solicitor. Good luck!


(By signing up for Notion using our unique link, you not only equip yourself with a powerful tool for SQE2 success but also support us in continuing to provide valuable insights and information!)


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