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Mastering the SQE2: Top Tips for Success

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is the gateway to becoming a solicitor, and SQE2 is the final hurdle to achieving that goal. While SQE1 tests your legal knowledge, SQE2 is all about your practical legal skills. Passing SQE2 can be daunting, but with the right approach, it can be conquered. This post will provide you with top tips for preparing, revising, tackling the examination itself, and maintaining a positive mentality throughout the process.

Preparation: Laying a Solid Foundation

SQE2 preparation with a laptop and notebook

Preparation is key to succeeding in SQE2. This exam focuses on practical skills such as client interviewing, advocacy, legal drafting, and legal research. Here are some tips to ensure you're well-prepared:

Understand the Exam Format

SQE2 consists of various practical legal skills assessments, including oral and written tasks. Familiarise yourself with the format and structure of each component. This understanding will help you manage your time effectively during the exam.

Use Official Resources

Utilise official resources from the SQE Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) website. These resources include sample questions, guidelines, and the assessment framework. They provide invaluable insights into what to expect and how to prepare.

Enroll in a SQE2 Prep Course

Consider enrolling in a prep course designed specifically for SQE2. These courses offer structured learning, mock exams, and feedback from experienced tutors. For example, BARBRI and ULaw offer comprehensive SQE2 preparation courses that cover all the essential skills and provide practice opportunities.

Create a SQE2 Study Schedule

Develop a detailed study schedule that covers all the skills assessed in SQE2 and the related practice areas. Allocate time for each skill and stick to your schedule. Consistency is key.

Revision: Reinforcing Your Knowledge

Revising for the SQE2 with a notebook and book.

Revision is about reinforcing what you've learned and identifying areas that need improvement. Effective revision strategies can make a significant difference in your performance.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with the exam format and the skills required. Use past papers, sample questions, and mock exams to practice. For example, regularly practice drafting legal documents and conducting mock client interviews with a study partner. And equally important, do not neglect the required FLK1 and FLK2 knowledge!!

Seek Feedback

Getting feedback on your practice attempts is crucial. It helps you identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Join study groups, engage with tutors, and seek feedback from peers. Constructive criticism will help you refine your skills.

Use Active Revision Techniques

Active revision techniques, such as summarising information, teaching others, and creating mind maps, can enhance your understanding and retention. For example, explain legal concepts to a friend or create flashcards for quick revision.

Simulate Exam Conditions

Simulate exam conditions by practicing under timed conditions and without any interruptions. This will help you manage exam stress and improve your time management skills. For instance, set a timer for 25 minutes and conduct a mock client interview without referring to any notes.

Examination: Strategies for Success

Writing the SQE2 exams.

When the exam day arrives, it's essential to be well-prepared and confident. Here are some strategies to ensure you perform your best during the examinations.

Stay Calm and Focused

Stay calm and composed during the exam. Take deep breaths, read the instructions carefully, and plan your approach. For example, before starting a legal drafting task, take a moment to outline your document and organise your thoughts.

Manage Your Time

Time management is crucial in SQE2. Allocate appropriate time for each task and stick to it. If you get stuck on a task, move on and come back to it later if time permits. For instance, if you're struggling with a legal research question, move on to the next task and return to it later.

Read the Questions Thoroughly

Read each question thoroughly and ensure you understand what is being asked before you start answering. Misinterpreting a question can cost you valuable marks. For example, in a client interviewing task, ensure you understand the client's issues before providing advice.

Be Professional

SQE2 assesses your practical legal skills, so maintain a professional demeanour throughout the exam. This includes dressing appropriately for any oral assessments and conducting yourself as you would in a real legal setting. For example, during an advocacy task, speak clearly and confidently, just as you would in a courtroom.

Mentality: Keeping a Positive Attitude

A person holding a mug called "see the good" to embody positivity.

Your mindset plays a crucial role in your success. Maintaining a positive attitude and managing stress effectively can significantly impact your performance.

Stay Positive

Stay positive and believe in your abilities. Positive thinking can boost your confidence and reduce anxiety. Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements. For example, keep a journal of your progress and review it regularly to see how far you've come.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your mental and physical health is essential during the preparation period. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and take regular breaks. For example, incorporate short walks or relaxation exercises into your daily routine to reduce stress.

Join Support Groups

Join support groups or forums where you can share experiences, ask questions, and get support from fellow SQE2 candidates. Knowing that others are going through the same journey can be reassuring and motivating. For example, online platforms like Reddit can be great places to connect with other candidates.

Visualise Success

Visualisation techniques can help you stay focused and motivated. Spend a few minutes each day visualising yourself successfully completing the exam and achieving your goal of becoming a solicitor. This positive reinforcement can help you stay on track and maintain a positive attitude.


You Can Do It!

Passing SQE2 is a challenging but achievable goal with the right preparation, revision, examination strategies, and positive mindset. Remember to understand the exam format, use official resources, practice consistently, seek feedback, and stay calm and focused during the exam. Above all, maintain a positive attitude, take care of yourself, and believe in your abilities. Good luck!


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