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Law Student x Notion: Navigating University Life with a Digital Edge

Being a law student in the UK is no small feat. The rigorous curriculum, countless hours spent in the library, and the need to juggle numerous responsibilities can make the journey overwhelming. As a law student, you're often seen carrying heavy textbooks, notebooks, and folders, not to mention the plethora of highlighters and sticky notes that become your constant companions. Long library sessions, a blend of paper and digital notes, and an endless supply of coffee are the hallmarks of your academic life. But what if there was a way to streamline all of this, making your life easier and more organised? Enter Notion, a tool that can revolutionise the way you approach your studies and manage your life.

University law student holding folders and books in her arm.

The Reality of Being a UK Law Student

As a law student, you quickly become accustomed to carrying around hefty textbooks. Your bag is always heavy, filled with essential legal texts, notepads, and folders, making the trek to and from the library a workout in itself. The need to access various materials for coursework and exam revision means your study sessions are often long and intense. You find yourself surrounded by a mixture of paper and digital notes, each with its own set of challenges in terms of organisation and accessibility.

In this demanding environment, finding ways to streamline your study process, reduce physical burdens, and enhance the aesthetics of your study materials can be a game-changer. This is where Notion comes into play.

Introducing Notion: A Game-Changer for Law Students

Notion is more than just a note-taking app; it's an all-in-one workspace that allows you to write, plan, collaborate, and organise. For a law student, this tool can be revolutionary. Here’s how:

1. Centralised Note-Taking and Editing With Notion, you can write, edit, and keep all your lecture notes in one place. No more shuffling through piles of paper or searching through disorganized digital files. Imagine you’ve just attended a dense lecture on Contract Law. Instead of scattering your notes across various notebooks and documents, you can create a dedicated page within Notion. Here, you can organise your lecture notes, add supplementary reading materials, embed relevant videos, and even link to past case studies. This comprehensive and organised approach allows you to focus more on understanding the material rather than managing it. Plus, you can easily share these notes with classmates for collaborative study sessions.

2. Aesthetically Pleasing Dashboards Creating an aesthetically pleasing dashboard to manage your topics can make studying more enjoyable. You can customise your workspace to suit your style, making it a place where you actually want to spend time. For example, you can set up a dashboard for each module, such as Criminal Law, Tort Law, and Land Law, with colour-coded sections. Each section can include a calendar for important dates, task lists for assignments, and quick links to essential resources. An intuitive layout helps you navigate through your notes effortlessly, making study sessions more efficient and visually appealing.

3. Preparation and Accessibility Preparing for tutorials and seminars becomes a breeze with Notion. You can organise your notes, readings, and questions in one place and access them on your phone, tablet, or laptop. Imagine you’re preparing for a seminar on Human Rights Law. You can create a page with all the required readings, annotate them with your insights, and draft potential questions or discussion points. During the seminar, you can access these notes from any device, ensuring you’re always prepared, no matter where you are. This flexibility is especially useful if you’re studying on the go or need to quickly reference materials during discussions.

4. Cost-Effective Solution One of the best aspects of Notion is that it’s free to use unless you require advanced features as a power user. For most law students, the free version offers more than enough functionality to cover all their needs. You can create unlimited pages, databases, and notes without any cost. If you find yourself needing more advanced features, such as additional storage or integrations with other apps, the premium version is reasonably priced.

Trying something new can be daunting, especially when it comes to deciding how to manage your notes. Should you favour analog methods, go fully digital, or perhaps find a combination of both that works best for you? We delve into this topic in detail in our blog post, "Digital vs. Analog Note-Taking: A Comprehensive Comparison.”

Below is an example of how Notion can be utilised for the Solicitors Examinations 2 (SQE2):

A screenshot of the SQE2 Notion Template exclusively from SQE Success.

Imagine you're preparing for the SQE2, which involves practical assessments of legal skills. You can create a dedicated section in Notion for each skill area, such as client interviews, advocacy, and legal drafting. For client interviews, you can compile a list of common questions, tips on effective communication, and mock interview scripts. You can link to videos demonstrating successful interviews and take notes on key techniques. For advocacy, you might have a page for case briefs, arguments, and relevant laws, allowing you to practice and refine your skills systematically.

By organising all these elements in Notion, you streamline your preparation process, making it easier to review and practice efficiently. This not only saves time but also ensures that you cover all necessary areas comprehensively, giving you a competitive edge.

Beyond Education: Organising Your Student Life with Notion

Notion isn't just for your academic life. It can help you organise and manage your student life in general:

1. Managing Extracurricular Activities Whether you're part of a sports club or a society, Notion can be a game-changer in keeping everything organised. Imagine you're the secretary of the university debate club. With Notion, you can create a dedicated section for the club, where you track meeting dates, upcoming debates, and event deadlines. You can even include a task list for each member, ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities. This way, you never miss an important date, and the club runs smoothly.

2. Networking and Career Preparation Networking is crucial for law students aiming to build a successful career. Notion can help you keep track of all your networking activities. For instance, you can create a database of all the networking events you plan to attend, complete with dates, locations, and details about the attendees. You can prepare questions in advance and store them in Notion, ensuring you're always ready to make a great impression. Additionally, keeping all your contact information in one place means you can easily follow up with new connections, making the whole process less daunting and more productive.

3. Personal Health and Fitness Staying fit and healthy is important, even amidst the hectic schedule of a law student. With Notion, you can track and edit your gym routines, monitor your progress, and set fitness goals. For example, you can create a weekly workout plan, log your workouts, and track your progress over time. This organised approach helps you stay motivated and ensures you're consistently working towards your health goals, balancing physical fitness with your academic responsibilities.

4. Managing Daily Tasks Daily tasks can quickly pile up, making it difficult to stay on top of everything. Notion can help you manage these tasks efficiently. Imagine you have a busy week with classes, part-time work, and personal errands. You can create a to-do list in Notion, set reminders for important tasks, and keep track of your expenses. For instance, you can list your grocery items, set reminders for bill payments, and even track your monthly budget. This way, you ensure your personal life runs smoothly alongside your academic commitments, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

5. Creative Uses Notion’s flexibility means you can get creative with how you use it. Perhaps you're planning a summer trip with friends. You can create a detailed itinerary, track expenses, and list all the places you want to visit. Or maybe you're an avid reader and want to organise your reading list. Notion allows you to categorise books by genre, track your reading progress, and even jot down notes and reviews. If you manage a personal blog, Notion can help you plan content, track deadlines, and organise ideas, making the creative process more streamlined and enjoyable.


Despite the minor drawback of needing an internet connection for optimal use, Notion stands out as one of the best and most law student-friendly tools available. Its ability to centralise and organise various aspects of your academic and personal life can significantly reduce the stress and chaos that often accompanies university life.

Ready to revolutionise your study habits and student life? Sign up for Notion for free today and experience the difference for yourself! For more tips and resources on succeeding as a law student, visit SQE Success. Embrace the future of organisation and make your journey through law school a smoother, more enjoyable experience.

Notion truly is a powerful tool that can transform your experience as a law student. By consolidating your notes, streamlining your study process, and helping you manage your daily life, Notion allows you to focus on what truly matters: excelling in your studies and enjoying your university life to the fullest. So why not give it a try? Your future self will thank you.


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