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How to Use Notion to Revolutionise Your Study Routine as an SQE Student

Embarking on the journey to become a solicitor in the UK is no small feat. The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) represents a formidable challenge, requiring mastery over a broad spectrum of legal knowledge and skills. The journey is rigorous, strewn with countless hours of study, revision, and practical preparation. Amidst this academic marathon, SQE students often find themselves grappling with overwhelming materials, convoluted organisation systems, and the daunting task of keeping track of their progress. But what if there was a beacon of hope? A tool so versatile and powerful that it could not only streamline your study routine but transform it into a more manageable, efficient, and even enjoyable process? Enter Notion, a dynamic workspace that promises to revolutionise your SQE preparation.

Lady justice statue on top of a laptop.

Organising All Notes, Revision, and Materials in One Place

Gone are the days of scattered notes, lost documents, and disorganised folders. Notion emerges as your ultimate study ally, offering a singular, centralised space for all your SQE materials. Imagine having every lecture note, article, case summary, and piece of legislation neatly organised in one accessible location. Notion's seamless interface allows you to create pages and sub-pages, categorising your materials by subject, topic, or any system that resonates with your study method. You can easily integrate multimedia resources, from embedded videos to linked documents, ensuring a rich, diversified study experience. This consolidation not only declutters your physical and digital workspace but also significantly reduces the time and effort spent in searching for materials, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - mastering the content.

Effortless Creation, Management, and Tracking of Study Areas and Sub-Topics

Diving deeper into the realm of organisation, Notion's database feature stands out as a game-changer for SQE students. Picture a customisable study system at your fingertips, where each area of the SQE and its corresponding sub-topics are neatly laid out. With Notion's databases, you can create entries for each study area, tag them with their current status (e.g., "In Progress," "Need Review," "Completed"), and add custom fields to track deadlines, priority levels, or hours spent. This meticulous structure enables you to gauge your study progress at a glance, identify areas that require more focus, and adjust your study plan dynamically. The ability to visualise your progress not only boosts motivation but also fosters a sense of accomplishment as you navigate through the extensive SQE syllabus.

Database-Driven Q&A Revision Cards: A Study Hack

Flashcards have long been celebrated for their efficacy in memorisation and revision. Notion takes this tried and tested method to new heights with database-driven Q&A revision cards. By creating a database for revision cards, you can categorise them by topic, mark them based on difficulty, and even schedule revision sessions directly within Notion. This method encourages active recall and spaced repetition, two scientifically-backed techniques for enhancing memory retention. Whether you're revisiting principles of contract law or brushing up on property rights, these interactive revision cards offer a personalised, engaging approach to studying. Plus, the sheer convenience of having all your revision cards in one digital location eliminates the hassle of physical cards, making your study sessions both productive and sustainable.

The Power of a Centralised Dashboard

Perhaps the most striking advantage of using Notion for SQE preparation is the ability to create a centralised dashboard. This dashboard serves as your command centere, offering a bird's eye view of your entire study landscape. From this hub, you can access your notes, databases, revision schedules, and even motivational quotes or goals, all within a few clicks. Customisable widgets such as to-do lists, calendars, and progress bars can be integrated, ensuring that you have all the tools you need to stay on track. The dashboard can be tailored to reflect your personal aesthetic, making your study experience not only organised but also visually pleasing. This level of personalisation and accessibility underscores Notion's role as not just a tool, but a companion in your SQE journey.

Embracing Notion in Your SQE Journey

The path to becoming a solicitor, marked by the SQE's rigorous demands, necessitates a robust, flexible, and efficient study strategy. Notion emerges as an invaluable ally in this endeavour, providing a suite of features that cater to the diverse needs of SQE students. From streamlining the organisation of materials to facilitating active revision strategies and offering an overarching dashboard for seamless navigation, Notion promises to enhance both the quality and the enjoyment of your study experience.

By integrating Notion into your SQE preparation, you're not just adopting a tool; you're embracing a mindset of efficiency, organisation, and progress. As you embark on this challenging yet rewarding journey, let Notion transform your preparation into an experience that is as fulfilling as it is effective. Start exploring Notion today and take the first step towards mastering your SQE studies with confidence and ease.


Just a quick note before you dive into your studies with Notion. It's completely free to start, and if you're feeling intrigued, there's a simple way you can explore Notion and support us at SQE Success at the same time. Just use this link to sign up. It's our little way of keeping this community thriving, and it doesn't cost you a thing. Happy studying!


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